Saturday, June 9, 2012

MrBool - Latest videos and articles updated    last updates - 6/9/2012 1 is a 'video based' website for software developers. Today you can find 895 video tutorials about Java, .net, database and more;

Check it out!

  • Last videos published:

    - .net channel
    HoverMenu and MultiHandleSlider - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax - Lesson 13
    description: When developing web applications you might feel the need for a menu that pops up and allows the user to take actions.
    - .net channel
    DragPanel and DropShadow Extenders - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax - Lesson 12
    description: In this video, we are going to talk about the DragPanelExtender and the DropShadowExtender.
    - Java channel
    Transactions - Java Struts: Developing a Finance Management Software – Part 6
    description: In this tutorial, we will study 2 transactions inside our application. First, a Debit Transaction, that will serve as an opposite transaction to the Credit.
  • More videos published:

    - .net channel HoverMenu and MultiHandleSlider - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax - Lesson 13
    - .net channel DragPanel and DropShadow Extenders - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax - Lesson 12
    - Java channel Transactions - Java Struts: Developing a Finance Management Software – Part 6
    - Java channel Main Finance Application Structure - Java Struts: Developing a Finance Management Software – Part 5
    - .net channel Color Picker and Confirm Button - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax - Lesson 11
    - .net channel CollapsiblePanelExtender - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 10
    - .net channel Working with ModalPopupExtender in ASP.NET and Ajax - Lesson 09
    - .net channel Ajax Control Toolkit 4 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 08
    - .net channel Ajax Control Toolkit 3 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 07
    - .net channel Ajax Control Toolkit 2 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 06
    - .net channel Ajax Control Toolkit 1 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 05
    - .net channel Ajax Life Cycle 2 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 4

    Total videos published until today: 895 [List all these video tutorials]

  • Last articles published:

    - .net channel DataSet Advance Operations – Search , Sort , Filter - .NET
    - Java channel Manipulating Clipboard content with Java
    - Database channel SSMS Tools Pack in SQL Server
    - Java channel The Life Cycle of a Servlet in Java
    - Java channel Making your Android App known

    Total articles published until today: 157 [List all these articles]

    Mr.Bool's Team

    You received this newsletter beacuse you have signed up on; If you dont want to receive our newsletters please inform us at
  • Tuesday, May 22, 2012

    MrBool - latest videos and articles    last updates - 5/22/2012 is a 'video based' website for software developers. Today you can find 888 video tutorials about Java, .net, database and more;

    Check it out!

  • Last videos published:

    - .NET channel
    Ajax Control Toolkit 1 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 05
    description: : In the previous few videos on ASP.NET Ajax we discussed the server version by talking about the Script Manager and Update Panel. Now we move to the client version of ASP.NET Ajax. The client side controls are called the Ajax Control Toolkit.
    - .NET channel
    Ajax Life Cycle 2 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 4
    description: In this video, we continue our discussion of Ajax life cycle. We already talked about the life cycle on the server side and we found out that the same events are triggered as the ones in a normal page (with no Ajax).
    - .NET channel
    Update Panel and Timer - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 3
    description: In this video we continue our ASP.NET Ajax discussion. We will talk about updating an update panel and using a timer.
  • More videos published:

    - .NET channel Ajax Control Toolkit 1 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 05
    - .NET channel Ajax Life Cycle 2 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 4
    - .NET channel Update Panel and Timer - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 3
    - .NET channel Ajax Life Cycle 1 - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 2
    - .NET channel Starting with Ajax - Exploring Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax Server and Client Controls - Lesson 1
    - SQL channel Sequence and Conversion functions - Course SQL Server 2012: New TSQL Features – Lesson 3
    - Scripting channel Save e Restore: Canvas - Course HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - Part 17
    - Scripting channel Rotating, Scaling and Translating: Canvas - Course HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - Part 16
    - Scripting channel Radial and linear gradients: Canvas - Course HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - Part 15
    - Scripting channel Canvas - Course HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - Part 14
    - Scripting channel CSS: New Markup - Course HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - Part 13
    - Scripting channel New Markup - Course HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - Part 12

    Total videos published until today: 888 [List all these video tutorials]

  • Last articles published:

    - Java channel Display html contents with java
    - Java channel File Transfer between 2 computers using Java Swing
    - Java channel Creating a simple Mouse Analyzer with Java Swing
    - Scripting channel Creating your own Form Validation Plugin with JavaScript
    - Java channel Simulating mouse click and Keyboard press with Java and Pixel color determiner

    Total articles published until today: 144 [List all these articles]

    Mr.Bool's Team

    You received this newsletter beacuse you have signed up on; If you dont want to receive our newsletters please inform us at
  • Friday, April 13, 2012

    Introduction to jQuery UI - online course with 13 free videos

    April 6, 2012

    Hello friend,

    We have pleasure to present you one of our dozens of free online courses.

    Go to Mr. Bool website and check out which free course is for you.

    In this newsletter we talk about Introduction to jQuery UI.

    Introduction to jQuery UI - online course with 13 free videos and increasing...

    Introduction to jQuery UI - online course with 15 free videos and increasing

    This course will discuss the details of working with jQuery UI, how to download the files and get you started. Then, we will talk about every widget and its functionality, by showing you an example on how a page will look like before using jQuery UI, then how it looks after applying the jQuery. I discuss the files that need to be referenced in your page for the widgets to work properly.

    There are 13 free videos. See all videos.


    Here is the list:


    1)  Tab
    Description: This course will discuss the details of working with jQuery UI, how to download the files and get you started.

    2)  tabs - Part 2
    Description: I will go over every one of them and show you the syntax needed.

    3)  Accordion
    Description: As we have done with the tabs, we create a page that contains the basic html used by an accordion.

    4)  Date Picker
    Description: We will be talking about the date picker control.

    5)  Date Picker - Part 2
    Description: We will wrap up the datepicker discussion by taking about some more options, such as animation and controlling how many months and years to step.

    6)  Dialog
    Description: We already talked about some jQuery UI widgets. Today, we will discuss the dialog.

    7)  Dialog - part 2
    Description: We already talked about the options we can have with a dialog. Here we will talk about more options and events.

    8)  Slider
    Description: In this video, we will discussing the slider, showing the HTML content before applying the slider on them.

    9)  Progressbar and Autocomplete
    Description: We will talk about the progress bar and the auto-complete widgets. We start with the progress bar, by looking at the progressbar() function and experimenting with the options it provides.

    10)  Effects
    Description: In this video we continue our jQuery UI discussion by talking about effects.

    11)  Resizable and Draggable
    Description: We will discuss resizable and draggable. Starting with resizable, the idea is very simple.

    12)  Selectable and Sortable
    Description: In this video, we discuss the selectable and sortable functionalities within jQuery UI.

    13)  Introduction
    Description: In this video I will start the introduction to jqGrid. We use this grid to display tabular data on the page.

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    Monday, January 30, 2012

    Now the ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 online course has 68 free videos

    January 30, 2012

    Hello friend,

    We have pxleasure to present you one of our dozens of free online courses.

    Go to Mr. Bool website and check out which free course is for you.

    In this newsletter we talk about Asp.Net 4 and Visual Studio 2010.

    ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 - online course with 68 free videos

    ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 - online course with 48 free videosIn this course we will see the main innovations of ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 IDE. It presents the conceptualization of new technology, which has It presents the conceptualization of new technology, which has good coding standard and simplified design to illustrate the key points.

    There are 68 free videos. See all videos.


    This course is not finished yet, so you can expect more videos soon.

    Here is the list:

    Web Application Versus Web Site

    1. Web Application Versus Site


    1. Label and Literal Control
    2. Input Boxes Properties and Events
    3. Auto Complete and RadioButtons
    4. Three ways to submit form data
    5. Posting Back to Another Page
    6. Command Buttons and Client Actions
    7. Using panels


    1. Evolution of CSS
    2. Styles
    3. Unordered list
    4. Manage styles

    Validation Controls

    1. Introduction
    2. Text property
    3. InitialValue property
    4. CompareValidator
    5. Regular Expression Validator
    6. CustomValidator and ValidationSummary
    7. Building validation control class
    8. Calendar Control
    9. Holidays: Calendar Control
    10. AdRotator
    11. Wizard Control


    1. Silverlight

    Master Page

    1. Introduction
    2. ContentplaceHolders
    3. Master Page File
    4. PreInit method


    1. Themes
    2. Difference between a Theme and a StyleSheetTheme
    3. CSS

    User Controls

    1. User Controls
    2. Manipulating User Controls
    3. AJAX


    1. Introduction
    2. ViewBag


    1. Controller
    2. View
    3. Model - Part 1
    4. Model - Part 2
    5. Model - Part 3

    Data Access

    1. Lists
    2. Grid
    3. Hierarchical
    4. Templated
    5. Two Way Data Binding
    6. Errors and Stored Procs
    7. Using Filters and Cookie Parameter
    8. BulletedList
    9. Gridview Details
    10. Sorting Grid With Ajax
    11. GridView Paging
    12. Sorting Grid With Ajax
    13. Working With Insert Command
    14. ListBox
    15. GridView Events


    1. Charts - Part 1
    2. Charts - Part 2
    3. Stripline
    4. Mixing Code

    Maintaining state

    1. Cookies - Part 1
    2. Cookies - Part 2
    3. Sessions State
    4. Profiles
    5. Intro to Caching
    6. OutputCache


    1. Localization
    2. Calendar: Localization

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