Tuesday, November 29, 2011

HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language - online course with 6 free videos (not finished yet)

November 29, 2011

Hello friend,

We have pleasure to present you one of our dozens of free online courses.

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In this newsletter we talk about HTML 5.

HTML 5 - an introduction of the new web language (online course - not finished yet)

HTML 5 online course

In this course we will see the HTML 5. This new version of HTML is not standardized yet. It is supported in some browsers like Firefox and Opera. Although the specification is not locked down yet, the browser support is mature enough to experiment with its feastures.

There are 6 free videos. See all videos.


Here is the list:


1)  Canvas
Description: In this video, we introduce HTML 5. This new version of HTML is not standardized yet.

2)  getElementById e getContext
Description: We added the canvas tag to our page and retrieved the canvas object using getElementById() and the context using getContext.

3)  Shadow within
Description: As usual, we start by creating a canvas, retrieving it by id, and getting its 2d context.

New Elements
4)  New Elements
Description: In this video, we introduce new elements to HTML 5

5)  Storage and the Video Element
Description: We start with storage. We all know how important storage is in a browser since http is a stateless protocol.

6)  Form Elements and Attributes
Description: In this video, we looked at the new atttributes that are supported for HTML 5 elements.

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