Sunday, November 30, 2008


Its really hard to believe what has happened in Mumbai by govt of India and by me. Its nothing but shameful that a country that has experienced terrror attacks more than US has an intelligence network of such a mocking level.Well if you guys were not having any idea of the situation apart from what is shown on TV then lemme enlighten you - firsthand after hearing such an incident , it was not until 10.30 pm the CM of Maharashtra (5 min after which he had to do a press meet). While it was late in the night after 1am that a decision of calling in NSG was taken!(as if they themseves had took control back). The NSG reported until later in the night around 2.30 am . As if situation was still not bad , the plane that was supposed to carry NSG was in Chandigarh ( and what about contingency plans?) it landed in Delhi later around 3.30 am in morning - IL 76 (JUMBO ) took an extra 1 hour to reach Mumbai . Around 7 am in the morning they reached the TAJ in BEST BUSES!! have gotta be joking me.

The events were not enough , the Maha Home minister kept up with the humor by giving statements which even my 3 year nephew won't give after doing something wrong.

I have always observed and have occasionally ended my posts on a better note but today I don't wish to do same , rather I would like to add my voice alongwith all those 1 billion voices who have a question - can such incidents be averted or if their impact mitigated? When a younger brother of mine asked similar question - I had to give him ' I don't know look' but thats something our politicians are best at. I would like to call for action and at least now the incidents that have also dented the crediblity of PM Manmohan Singh dealt with utmost strictness. Its time that Indian PM takes Bootstrap leverage and politicians like Amar singh and Mr Lalu stop patronizing instituitions like SIMI.


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